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Building Roads and Pavements

Building roads and pavements (sidewalks to our US cousins) is a vital part of any town development plan. MREPUBLIK enforces strict conformity on how the roads should look and how wide they should be. Pavements can vary due to factors like an existing building, not enough space to make the default pavement width etc…

Building a Road

The standard agreed upon MREPUBLIK road will be constructed out of asphalt from the TrafficCraft mod for commonly used roads. They will be a width of 9 blocks wide with 4 blocks dedicated to each side of the road and the middle block left over dedicated to road markings. Road markings can be created by using a Paint Brush, Paint Bucket from TrafficCraft mod and White Dye from vanilla Minecraft. Road markings will be 3 long with a 3 block gap between each line. Lines can be closer together if the road is narrower or on bends to warn users that overtaking is riskier the closer together the lines are like in real life. Country roads which purely pass farmland can be constructed of gravel or coarse dirt or a mixture of the two.

Building Roads near hill, cliff or sea edges

When constructing roads near edges of hills, cliffs or the sea with drops on one or both sides of the road, it’s important to keep players safe and stop them from driving off the road in the event of a lag spike or they lose control. At the edge of the road, allow an additional space of 1-3 blocks and place fences, wall posts or guard rails. This should not be touching the road as players could make contact with them unnecessarily whilst driving.

Good – Minimum of 1 block gap

Bad – No gap

Building Pavements

Once your road is completed, in a town or city you will be required to add a footpath to it. Footpaths are typically constructed of wood however other blocks like sandstone can be used but the conformity must remain the same in the entire town/city. The agreed upon width is 5 blocks wide. However due to terrain or existing buildings. MREPUBLIK do ask that you try and maintain 5 blocks wide where possible.

Building a Dual Carriageway

A dual carriageway is a road with two lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions, separated by a median or barrier. Dual carriageways are also known as divided highways in the United States. The construction of these carriageways is similar in design to the standard roads. Each side will be 9 blocks in width with the middle block for road markings and each land using 4 blocks width then using the same style on the opposite side. These carriageways will be divided by either grass or gravel with the option to include posts, fences or guard rails from the TrafficCraft mod. When merging carriageways with a normal road, a special junction should be used to handle the decrease in lanes. Some towns use roundabouts to achieve this or split the carriageway to go left or right or straight on with the connecting roads.