MREPUBLIK laws are different from server rules and serve to avoid being a nuisance and also some which are made to be broken, just don’t get caught by the feds. Keep a low profile and do not draw attention to yourself or illicit businesses.
Player vs Player Rules
- The killing of another player without reason is prohibited. (Do not go around randomly killing innocent players. If you’re having a roleplay drug war, then that would be a reasonable excuse to kill another player.) Excessively killing a player can be an annoyance to peoples enjoyment, if you kill a player more than 3 times in one hour, you will be temporarily banned.
Penalty: Murder. Imprisonment to be determined by an admin. - Stealing from unlocked chests within a property.
Penalty: Stealing with intent. Imprisonment to be determined by an admin.
Vehicle Ownership and Vehicle Operation Rules
- When purchasing or crafting a vehicle, you must attach a registration plate to it with your full or short username.
Penalty: Failure to have a registration plate, vehicle will be destroyed. - When parking, use your driveway if you have one, use a parking bay in a car park or dedicated space on the road. Do not park on double yellow lines or leave your vehicle in the middle of the road. Also ensure your vehicle does not obstruct other players’ properties.
Penalty: Obstructing public roads. Vehicle destroyed and the player fined $250. - If you fail to stop after damaging another player’s vehicle in a collision.
Penalty: Damaging a private vehicle in a collision. Fine of $2,500. - Damaging another player’s vehicle with intent.
Penalty: Damaging a private vehicle. Fine of $2,500 and possible imprisonment.
It is advisable to obtain vehicle insurance in the event of a collision, theft or damage.
Misuse of Drugs
- The selling, manufacturing and consumption of Cocaine is prohibited.
Selling Punishment: Cocaine will be seized.
Manufacturing Punishment: Cocaine will be seized and crops destroyed. - The selling, growing and consumption of Cannabis is prohibited.
Selling Punishment: Cannabis will be seized.
Growing Punishment: Cannabis will be seized and crops destroyed.