The MREPUBLIK server uses a rank system to differentiate players roles within the server. This article will list each rank and what permissions those ranks grant to the player. Upon moving up a rank, you retain all permissions of the previous rank plus new ones.
Citizen [Default rank on joining]
Upon joining the server for the first time, this will be the rank given to a player automatically.
Players can not place water buckets with this rank.
Permissions of Citizen:
-* = Allows players to interact with Chest Shops and create and delete their own shops.
- Blocklocker.protect = Allows players to protect their chests and doors.
- Essentials.afk = Enable a player to use the /afk command.
- = Will mark the player AFK after 5 minutes of inactivity.
- Essentials.ban.notify = Be notified when a player is banned.
- Essentials. compass = Get direction player is going.
- Essentials.condense = Allow players to force items to stack to 64 from 1 or 16.
- Essentials.getpos = Get X, Y, Z position.
- = Access help command.
- Essentials.helpop = Request assistance from an online admin.
- Essentials.jail.allow-block-damage = Damage blocks within prison, example for farming prisons to collect wheat.
- Essentials.jail.allow-break = Damage blocks within prison, example for farming prisons to collect wheat.
- Essentials.jail.allow-interact = Allow players to interact with NPC’s and tools within prison.
- Essentials.jail.allow-place = Allows players to place seeds within prisons.
- Essentials.jail.notify = Be notified when a player is jailed.
- Essentials.mail = Access mail function on server.
- Essentials.mail.send = Allows a player to send messages to another user.
- Essentials.motd = See MOTD on joining.
- Essentials.msg = Allows a user to PM another player.
- Essentials.msg.colour + Essentials.msg.magic + Essentials.msg.rgb + Essentials.msg.url = Use colour, magic font, rgb changing text and send clickable URLs.
- Essentials.msg.toggle = Turn on or off the ability for someone to message you.
- Essentials.rules = Read server rules.
- Essentials.seen = See when a player was last online.
- Essentials.time = Get world time.
- Essentials.tpacancel = Cancel a request for or by another player.
- Essentials.tpaccept = Accept a TP request by another player.
- = Buy lottery tickets.
- Lottery.status = See lottery jackpot and how long until its drawn.
- Minecraft.command.dailyrewards = View and collect daily rewards for being active on the server.
- Robbery.* = Form a crew, join a crew, get help within the crew or see the GUI to start robbery missions.
- XConomy.* = Access balance of yourself, another user or top 10 players. Pay a another user. Toggle notifications of payments.
Citizen+ [Trusted member]
Once a player has played for a few hours and has shown to be trusted, they will be placed into this rank.
Players can place water buckets with this rank.
Permissions of Citizen Plus:
- Areashop.addfriend = Allows a player to add a friend to their purchased or rent land / home / business.
- = Allows a player to buy land.
- Areashop.buynormal = Allows a player to buy land.
- Areashop.buyresell = Allows a player to resell land to another player.
- Areashop.delfriend = Allows a player to remove a friend from their purchased or rented land / home / business.
- = View areashop commands.
- = See info about a plot.
- = See all properties owned by yourself.
- = Allows a player to rent a property.
- Areashop.sellown = Sell property back to server.
- Areashop.stopresell = Stop reselling a property.
- Areashop.unrent = Withdraw from renting a plot.
- Essentials.sethome = Set home.
- Essentials.delhome = Delete home.
- Essentials.home = Access home.
- Essentials.nick = Set your own nickname.
- Essentials.nick.changecolours = Add colours to your own username.
- Essentials.nick.colour = Set colour of username.
- Essentials.warps.spawn = Access /warp spawn command.
Entrepreneur [Players who run businesses]
This rank is for players who run or own businesses which give them access to discount at Admin Shops as well as access to fly commands for building homes if owning a construction company.
Permissions of Entrepreneur:
- = Access to 50% discount at Admin Shops.
- = Allows a player to fly. (Land carefully or you may experience fall damage)
- = If you were flying when you exited the server, you will remain in the air upon rejoining.
- Essentials.speed = Access to /speed command.
- Essentials.speed.walk = Set how fast you can run.
- = Set how fast you can fly.
Architect [Players who build server projects]
This rank is for players who help build server projects or large projects for their construction companies.
Permissions of Architect:
- Worldedit.* = Access worldedit commands.
Police Officer [Players who are MREPUBLIK’s police / junior admins]
This rank is for players who maintain law and order in MREPUBLIK.
Permissions of Police Officer:
- Essentials.jail = Jail another user.
- Essentials.mute = Mute another user.
- Essentials.tempban = Temp ban another user.
- Essentials.tempban.exempt = Exempted from being banned by another police officer.
- Essentials.tempbanip = Temp ban an IP address.
- Essentials.tpa = Teleport request to another player requesting police help.
Civil Servant [Players who are MREPUBLIK’s Government workers]
This rank is for players who maintain MREPUBLIK’s towns and cities.
Permissions of Civil Servant:
- = Access book command.
- = Set authors name of a book.
- = Modify another users book.
- = Set title of a book.
MREPUBLIK Admin [Players who are MREPUBLIK’s Admin Team]
This rank is for players who maintain and moderate the server.
Permissions of MREPUBLIK Admin:
- * = Access to all commands available.
- Bukkit.command.reload (NO PERMISSION)
- Bukkit.command.restart (NO PERMISSION)
- Bukkit.command.stop (NO PERMISSION)
- Chestshop.notax.sell (NO PERMISSION, PAY YOUR TAXES)
If using the ‘/kill all’ command to remove entities to stop lag, SET A RADIUS. ‘/kill all 50’ This will prevent players from losing their pets, cars or artworks outside of a 50 block radius. Set the value to area you need to clear.